Meet the Students

David Arruda
David lives and works in Somerset Massachusetts. Currently he is a school teacher who also spends time leading ministries and teaching at Grace Gospel Church. David is enrolled at Talbot School of Theology through their online program. He decided to seek a Masters of arts in Philosophy because he is convinced that the Northeast USA is in need of a thoughtful, intellectually robust defense of the gospel. David
is married.

Nicolas Crook
Nick lives in the town of Bluffdale and serves in the city of Draper, both places are found in the south end of the Salt Lake valley in the state of Utah. He is enrolled in the M.Div. online program at Talbot School of Theology. His degree program is Pastoral Care and Counseling. When Nick is not studying he is employed as a Youth Pastor at South Mountain Community Church. Nick looks forward to serving the local church as someone who speaks to large groups on a regular basis. Nick
is married.

Adam Brown
Adam lives and works in southern California, in the City of Orange. He is enrolled at Talbot School of Theology in the Masters of Philosophy program. When he isn’t studying he works as a youth pastor at Trinity Presbytarian Church of Orange County. His goals include teaching in a local church and at a University. Adam is married.

Easton Barbour
Easton lives and works in Gilbert Arizona and attends Phoenix Seminary. He is in the M.Div. program with an emphasis in Biblical and Theological Studies. When Brandon is not studying he is working as a Student Ministries Director at Faith Church of the Valley. His goals include becoming the leader of Young Adult ministries with the possibility of becoming a Lead Pastor someday. Easton is married

Daniel Rangel
Daniel lives in Avondale Arizona and works full-time outside of the church but still volunteers his time as a teacher in several different areas of ministry at Restoration Church. He is enrolled at Phoenix Seminary in the M.Div. program. His goal is to become a teaching pastor at his church. Daniel is married with children.
Makaela Dudley
Mikaela lives in Phoenix Arizona and is studying for a Master’s Degree in Ministry at Phoenix Seminary. It is her desire to become a board certified chaplain. After achieving that, she would like to become a teaching chaplain and to train others in the community to be healthcare chaplains for the sick and dying.
David Lim
David is currently serving as the main high school pastor for a Korean-American church located in downtown Los Angeles, CA. He is in his second year at Biola’s Talbot Seminary seeking an M.Div. Though David has also completed the Army ROTC program while at Wheaton College and currently is in the United States’ Army Chaplain Candidate program. The program requires a monthly commitment to serve as an
Army Reservist.
Raygen Mitchell
Raygen is serving as Associate Campus Pastor SBC Northridge and is currently pursuing his Masters of Arts in Ministry at Phoenix Seminary. He has been serving in ministry for over ten years and wants to continue teaching others the love and grace of Christ. His goal is to grow in his knowledge of the Bible through Seminary studies and to lead as many people as possible to a strong and mature faith in Christ.

Adisyn Richards
Adisyn is from Scottsdale, Arizona pursuing an MDiv in Biblical & Theological studies at Phoenix Seminary. When Adisyn isn't studying, she writes the curriculum for Illuminate Community Church's Kids Ministry and serves on the Young Adult leadership team. Adisyn hopes to use her degree for apologetics, evangelism, and authorship one day.

Colin Deinum
Collin lives with his wife (Valerie) and two girls (Ruby and Raya) in Phoenix, Arizona. He serves as one of the pastors at Foothills Baptist Church, particularly in Student Ministry. He is pursuing a Master of Divinity in Biblical and Theological Studies at Phoenix Seminary. He cherishes the Gospel of Jesus Christ and desires that others come to know the peace that only the Lord provides. He loves reading, watching sports, and playing music when he is not in school or working. He continues to put effort towards growing in his ability to communicate the Gospel from all of Scripture.

Zach Hsu
Zach is currently living in Phoenix Arizona, with his wife Rebecca. He was hired full-time as a campus missionary to Arizona State University by his sending church, Church on Mill. He is enrolled in the M.Div. program at Phoenix Seminary, looking forward to learning and being equipped for whatever ministry the Lord would call him to in the future. Zach hopes to faithfully work in vocational ministry for the rest of his life and hopes that the Lord would use him in mighty ways.

Olivia Sunderland
Olivia lives in Draper, Utah and is pursuing an online Masters in Arts in Bible Exposition at Talbot School of Theology. Olivia is currently working at as South Mountain Community Church as the Youth Ministry Coordinator and just graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Criminology. Olivia looks forward to teaching others more about the Bible and leading students in strengthening their foundation in Christ.

Carter Knight
Carter is in the Masters of Divinity Christian Studies program at Phoenix Seminary with the aspiration to become a lead pastor. He currently works as a hospice nurse. Carter enjoys outreach ministries to kids from troubled backgrounds as well as the elderly in care facilities. His focus is to bring a clear gospel presentation to people with limited access to Scripture due to social or physical obstacles. He hopes to equip the saints for similar ministries once he becomes a pastor. Carter is married to Alicia who attends seminary alongside him.

Sean Klein
Sean Klein is currently a District Sales Manager for General Motors in the state of Utah and serves in the youth ministry of South Mountain Community Church in Salt Lake City. Sean graduated from Presbyterian College where he got his bachelor’s degree in business administration and played baseball for the college. He served in his high school as a leader of FCA and led/created a Bible Study at his college that still exists today. Since he has been out of college, he has been serving in youth ministries as both a high school and middle school leader and has a passion to become a full-time pastor.

Derek Thompson
Derek lives in Bemidji, MN where he lives with his wife, Alyssa. Derek is in full-time ministry with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in the Bemidji area. He is also involved in leading the young adult ministry at his local church. He has a passion for evangelism and is currently pursuing a MABTS online through Phoenix Seminary. Derek sees multiple possibilities for ministry in the future but is open to whatever the Lord might have for him. He is eager to preach and teach the Bible more effectively through theological training.

Caitlyn Ray
Caitlyn lives in Gilbert, Arizona and is attending Phoenix Seminary in the pursuit of a Master's of Arts in Ministry. Her desire is to work in women's ministry, discipling and equipping women to fulfill the Great Commission. As a strength and conditioning coach, her goal is to not only devote her life to the strength and conditioning of physical bodies but for the strength and conditioning of our spiritual ones.

Nick Anderson
My name is Nick Anderson and I lead the Youth Ministry for Junior High and High School students at CenterPoint Church in Orem. Disciplining volunteers to lead their students to know Jesus and make Him known is God's call on my life and I'm excited to pursue my MA in Ministry to continue my growth in equipping not only myself, but others for the work of ministry.